Hanna und Herbert Mühlenbrink, married, four children, retired teachers. We would like to spend our time on a lot of small and great cultural events in Leipzig.
We have travelled to Leipzig for about ten years. The fascination about the town has brought us to wish to stay there forever.
„Der Leipziger“ – the typical inhabtitant of this town, loves all kind of music, politically interested and with his incomparably original dialect - we do love him or her.
Many courageous “Leipziger” have fought decisively for the reunification ot the two parts of Germany (I989) - by demonstrating peacefully in the ‘Nikolaichurch-movement and the regular Mondays’ demonstration - feared by the old inhuman ‘DDR-regime’.
It follows from this to the small travel agency LK. - for we would personally like to offer you an unforgettable and impressive stay !
Since Bachfestival 2011 Herbert Mühlenbrink is Chairman of
Vereinigung der Freunde des Bach-Archivs Leipzig e.V.
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54 , Klavierrecital
LK - diligently endeavouring to enjoy culture - without annoyance.
Spread the word to relatives and friends in all countries
then the ideal SERVICE QUALITY AND PRICE remains available-
no price increases of their own for 3 years - despite rejected "Pandemie support"
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Our Service calculation : 15 - 20 % depending how much work is involved
Hanna und Herbert Mühlenrink, © Privat
Leipzig, Thomaskirche mit Bach, © Rolf Handke / pixelio.de