Tearms of Buisness for travel agency ‘Leipziger Kulturgenuss’
1. Matter of arrangement.
The following terms and conditions of trade are the basics for all business matters and negotiations between the travel agency ‘Leipziger Kulturgenuss, called LK, and his partner, called customer. There are no other terms of trade guilty for the customer.
2. Services
The travel agency LK is responsible for a hotel accomodation inculsive breakfast, tickets for events, taking care for a limited stay in Leipzig inclusive translations’ services from different languages. LK is offering basically that combination, differences are always possible. In case of seperate purchases of tickets the WITHRAWL (Nr. 5) regulation may differ or may be not valid.
The tickets are handed over in Leipzig or can be sent by postal order.
The journey to Leipzig is in charge of the customer, and he is fully responsible for his arrival in time. The services of LK are always confirmed by order and are fixed by account.
The travel agency LK charges a service rate from 20 % of every booked item, incl. tickets,
25% service rate only on tickets.
Discounting and free services are also possible.
The costs made of concerts, hotel reservations, other bookings of the customer, will be reimbursed 100% in the case of force majeure and or pandemically conditioned failure of cultural services - except for the services (20%) of LEIPZIGER KULTURGENUSS - which allow the customer to provide long reservations, coordination of events and unwound for him complaints.
3. Contract
The customer offers a contract with his confirmed bookings. The booking can be done per email, letter or by phone. The contract is only valid, if the customer has confirmed the offer of LK in postal or email form. The day of having confirmed the booking by the customer is
- the date of the sent email by LK
- or on 3 rd day after the date of a letter which has been sent by LK
4. Revocation
The customer is allowed to cancel the contract according No. 3 of this contract in written form within two weeks after having received the confirmed booking or bill. ( §§ 312,BGB with §§ 355 BGB)
If the customer withdraws his whole package of the bill within the first 14 days, LEIPZIGER KULTURGENUSS can charge the customer 10% of the bill for the given service.
5. Withdrawal
After passing the two weeks time of possible wtihdrawal, the customer is allowed to cancel his contract, giving reasons for that. In case of a withdrawal the customer is obliged to pay a fee for this cancellation:
after the revocation (a fortnight ) |
50 % of the bill |
until 4 weeks before starting the events |
90 % of the bill |
before the first day of the event: |
100 % of the bill |
LK has the right of an unconditioned withdrawal. In case of having received any payments everything has to be given back to each other..
6. Terms of payment.
Within 14 days after the confirmed booking, alternatively after having received the bill, the customer has to pay 50% of the total amount as a deposit.
The other half (50 %) has to be paid according conditions, per
transfer order
credit cards
7. Tickets
Tickets are handed over in Leipzig.
8. Restricted Liability.
8.1. LK is not liable for the return travelling to Leipzig within the time of having booked anything there.LK is also not responsible for booking the travelling.
8.2. If LK has done its’ services unsufficiently the customer has claims of satisfaction. After a certain time limit and an unsuccessful managing the customer can help himself and has claims to be paid for that. If there are legal failures by LK the customer is able to withdraw the contract or can have a reduction or a compensation can be paid.
If events suddenly don’t take place or special difficulties of getting tickets happen the customer can withdraw free of charge..
8.3. LK cares for the correctness of information on this website. LK doesn’t guarantee that these informations are without mistakes. These informations can be exchanged regularly by LK.
8.4. Neither LK nor their partners give guarantees on informations, software, products and servies on this website - except there are special agreements managed between LK and customer.
8.5. LK is only liable for intent and severe negligence.
8.6. LK is guilty of negligence for typical and unpredicted harms..
8.7. The LK’s liability is in cases of slight negligence restricted for a single case on the maximum amount of the booking.
8.8. All claims of compensation come under the statue of limitations after one year. This is not the case for claims of illegal actions.
8.9. There are no claims to be made from a ‘producer’s liability law’ or from other laws of dealing with liabilities. There are also no claims if someone comes to harms and a pysical or health damage or death follows..
8.10. If there is no liability of LK. there are neither personal liabilities of the personal staff of LK.
9. Other.
9.1. If one of these above terms is not practicable the other terms are still valid.
9.2. This contract is subdued to German law and the court of jurisdiction is in Leipzig.
9.3. These general terms (AGB) are saved by LK .The latest version of general terms (AGB) is always available under http://www.leipziger-kulturgenuss.de.
9.4. .
9.5. Our service is always able to be reached under telephone number +49(0)341-23074191 (German telephone network / mobil prices can differ) or mobil telephone number 0152-09813160.
Using this website
1. This website is only made for your personal and not for your commercial use.You are not allowed to chnage informations, software, products or services which you receive from this website. You are neither able to alter, copy, distribute, transfer, publish, license, rpoduce derived works to give something to someone or to sell something.
2.You are not allowed to use this website and the services to offend against German law and against conditons of use..